Our destination: across the bay |
Rainfall in the night. Breakfast with Catherine and Philippe, who are leaving today for other islands and snorkeling. Me? A quiet morning before an afternoon trip to ceremonial ruins.
The maid comes to do the room just as I head for the pool (whose water is much cooler than the ocean). As I swim, the little girl from yesterday’s excursion comes up, still wearing the bone turtle necklace she bought on the island. They’re inseparable, those two, even when swimming. She’s also leaving today, with her brother, parents and grandparents. Either a new batch will arrive or I’ll have the whole hotel almost to myself (which I doubt).
Upeke |
There were sacrifices here, performed on rectangular platforms, and mostly of enemies. First the poor victim was kept in a rectangular space in the end platform made of huge basalt rocks; it was a mere hole where he could only lie flat. The roof opening was then closed with another stone. The prisoner remained buried alive until the sacrifice, where he was killed either slowly by strangulation or mercifully by a rock blow to the head. Victims were never women or children, neither of which weren’t even allowed on-site.
The king lived uphill, above all this, close to the tiki, a short, squarish carved stone. It looks like a face but is so worn it’s hard to tell. Farther uphill, there’s only the land of my guide Alain, a wood-carver who has planted all kinds of exotic trees on his property: sandalwood, rosewood...
On the way back downhill, Hei stops at the first platform to demonstrate one of the sports of the Marquesas: lifting a round 150-kg stone. Amazingly, he lifts it up with great effort, then hefts it onto his shoulder before dropping it with a thud that resonates through the earth. Kind of like the Highland games, or more appropriately the contests on Easter Island that Hugo told us about when I was there. After all, his people - the people of Rapa Nui - came from Polynesia. And before that all Polynesians are thought to have come from... Taiwan!
Along the road, Hei stops to pick some grapefruits off a tree and we head for the coast. He prepares them for the others - new arrivals - while I walk the sands, making sure to avoid the stinging jellyfish which Alain has pointed out, and stare out at the huge combers crashing to shore.
Back at the Lodge, at the pool for a quick swim, I meet Johann, a new arrival. Then it’s dinner and bed. Tomorrow is a big all-day trip!
OK I travel to a room, you see the world.