After that I just have time to walk through the golden glory of Saint John’s Co-Cathedral (16th c). This is prime Knights terrain. Designed by a military architect chosen by the Grand Master of the Order, it’s plain on the outside, like a fortress.
I ask a question about any link between the Maltese Cross and the Croix de Languedoc, also known as the Cathar Cross. Given that adjective “Cathar”, there probably isn’t, but they both have arms of equal length. The information desk send me to ask the curator, and he’s stumped too. But I guess the length of the arms is all they have in common. Still, that question won me some extra added information on the church from the curator, who was only too happy to see someone seeking him out. He’s as welcoming and talkative as all his fellow countrymen will prove to be throughout my stay.
As I exit the church, there are still throngs of children in costumes. Batman, Spiderman and Walt Disney seem to be the favorites among the boys; the girls are all little princesses. And the adults are in on the fun as well, many of them having a day off, I presume. They’re just waiting for the big party outside the City Gates tonight.
Not quite time for dinner - in spite of the missed lunch - so I decide to walk the streets a bit and get a feel for the city. Stores in the side-streets are closed, but the signs tell many stories. One is called the Useful Bazaar but the two items it touts over the door are Toys and Games. Now there’s a definition of “useful” that I can really get behind! Carmelo Delia & Sons (1890) is selling everything at ½ price... although it looks like they went out of business long ago, judging by the derelict paint on the shop and the sign. Another even more faded sign announces “Office of the Consul for Goldsmiths and Silversmiths”, which I find intriguing; I didn’t know they had consuls for that.
Wrought iron decors of Maltese crosses are everywhere, and many upper stories of the old buildings have overhanging wooden terrace-windows of different sizes and configurations. They seem to be the architectural detail of the island. On many street corners there are stucco or stone statues of the Madonna or else some saint or the other doing saintly things. The one I like best is Saint Somebody, sword held heavenward, ready to slay a muscular devil he’s holding on a chain leash; the devil is cowering at the holy feet, the chain securely around his scaly neck. The message couldn’t be clearer: Repent!
Back at the hotel, I change out of my travel and ratting-around clothes, a concession of sorts to “dressing for dinner”. It’s been a long day and although it’s only 6, I’ve had Mario make a reservation for me at one of his five suggested restaurants: Nenu Bakery. Well, it used to be a bakery, and the waiter shows me into the kitchen and waves his arms proudly at the old oven. The only other people there when I arrive are two women and a child, all speaking Maltese, which is a strange soup of a language.
I’ve come for the fenek, the rabbit. But first I’m served some of the great Maltese bread, which Nenu no longer bakes, with a tomato spread and another with chick peas and herbs. I try both, but sparingly, which is a good thing because after that comes a Maltese specialty: minestra, a chunky vegetable soup similar to Italian minestrone, as its name suggests, but minus any pasta. And when the fenek comes, another island specialty, it’s half a rabbit! And accompanied by roasted herbed potatoes plus a mix of roasted carrots, zucchini and eggplant with some fennel seed in there somewhere. I order a dry red wine and the waiter asks if I want to try something local. It’s full-bodied merlot from Malta, and is perfect for my meal. Although he’s showed me the desserts tray, I have no more room - even had to leave that fourth piece of fenek. But he makes me a Bowser Bag of the traditional date pastries flavored with aniseed - mqaret - and even throws in two more for good measure, probably because I’ve shown such interest in the history, oven and refurbishing of the restaurant.
One more look out my window, at the illuminated buildings of the Three Cities across the harbor, and I congratulate my instinct for having made this my choice of abode. It’s all so strikingly, goldenly beautiful against the dark sky and water. A wonderful sight to dream of through the night.
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