In spite of one last Pantagruelesque buffet breakfast and a second day of vividly blue sky, the day gets off to a bad, or at least inauspicious, start. These are my final hours in Prague, and there’s still quite a bit on my dance card before the taxi picks me up at noon for the ride out to the airport and the flight back to Paris.
So I decide to do a quick tour of the Decorative Arts Museum, which is fairly nearby. Had I checked it out yesterday as I passed on the way to the boat dock, I would have found that it’s undergoing renovation - like half of Prague, it seems - and is totally closed to the public until November.
So it’s on to buy that gift for my neighbor back home who has kindly watered my plants and taken in my mail (which is supposed to be held at the post office, but isn’t). I thought perhaps a glass cat for her, as she has two pet cats and loves them dearly, and glass is something Prague is known for. But the shop that has been recommended to me is no longer there. I do stumble upon a shop that makes absinthe though, so I buy a small bottle for another friend back home.
I’m not sure I understand Prague churches. They don’t open until 9:30 or 10 am, they charge entrance fees and then they complain there are no “Faithful” among their congregation. It seems they tend to be rather pick-and-choose about why they’re open at all. Must be all those years under atheist Communist rule; bad habits were acquired. I spend the time admiring the oyster bar across from St. James, but its doors are resolutely closed. When the Basilica finally does open, only the center aisle is navigable and all the pews except both back ones are roped off. This is obviously just a photo op and not a functioning, praying church. But the crowning blow is that, after all the waiting... the arm is gone! Perhaps someone stole it.
By 10:00, the street actors are out on the town square - two gold men and one angel. I see them because I go back to actually see the astronomical clock work this time, instead of taking photos of it.
Then it’s off to my last cultural appointment: the St. Agnes of Bohemia Convent. And when I get there, it’s free... except for the art collection upstairs, which I don’t have time to see anyway. And besides, I’ve seen more religious art this trip than I’ve seen in any one place ever before, provided you don’t view ancient Egyptian monuments as an expression of religion.
area - not in use right now - for children to play. There’s a miniature toolbench that looks well used. And there are small tables with ink pads and square wooden blocks with Gothic letters and many of the shapes I’ve been seeing all over Prague: stars, flowers, crosses... It’s a much happier display than the sculptures in the hallway, which include the tombstone, complete with a skull and crossbones, of Poor Clare Antonie de Novelin, who died May 22nd, 1716, at the too early age of 36. Others are hauntingly beautiful, and I wonder who were these lovely women who lived and died here so very long ago.
Surrounding the ruined 14th c cloister, the world is all greenery, including vines which once hid the ladies of the convent from the outside world. Today there are benches to sit on and talk among modern sculptures in the pre-garden.
The way back to the hotel is through tiny lanes, a world apart from the bustle of the hotel.
And a truly beautiful city.